Well, the last time I blogged was at the end of February, and then it just stopped, which makes perfect sense. That's about that time that my life kind of stopped....I got very exhausted, I got really sick-really, really sick, I got brain surgery, I got an extended stay at Baptist Medical Center, and I got a crazy few months of trying to heal and go back to work. But now, I've got summer vacation, so things are looking up :)
I had to laugh the other day, because this is what I was dropping off at the post office:
sounds expensive!
(and it is-sheesh!)
Newsletter for the Accoustic Neuroma Association. The most expensive, select club you never want to be a part of! :)
For my birthday, Tom gave me some money to get some new spring/summer clothes, since all of my old ones were way too big now (good problem to have, but still a problem!). But then about 2 days later I got really sick and all the craziness started, so I never got to use the money. Well, a few weeks ago I remembered about the money (I can't believe I had forgotten about it), and decided to let the shopping begin! There's nothing I love more than a good bargain, so I decided to see how far I could make the money go.