Happy Valentine's Day! Tom and I celebrated last night by eating a delicious dinner at Bonefish.
Bang Bang Shrimp, Rainbow Trout, Creme Brulee....it was great, and worth every calorie.
This is Tom and I before dinner:

I never really thought a lot about it, but we do kind of look like brother and sister. Ha!
Blond haired, light skinned, blue eyed babies in our future??
Ummmm...DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH!! (Check with me in about 200 years on that one). Seriously though, maybe I should check and make sure we aren't related :)
In an attempt to be sweet and all for Valentines Day (not that Tom has time to read my blog), but here are the top things I love about Thomas: (yes, I call him Thomas, though no one else in the world does)
5. He is very passionate about things-big and small. I'm much more of a go-with-the-flow kind of person. I have strong opinions about very few things, but he has very strong feelings about most everything. I think I teach him to chill out, and he teaches me how to believe in things.
4. He has never met a stranger-this is fun and exhausting at the same time. He seriously makes friends everywhere he goes-standing in line at the grocery, the drive thru at Starbucks, the customer service person on the phone...everywhere!
3. He cracks me up every day! He does an impersonation of me that is 100% not me (or so I like to think), but it's hilarious!! Also, he is head-over-heels crazy about my cat. I always told him that once he got in with Mr.Max, he was in with me! Those 2 are like peas in a pod!
2. He loves to take care of me, and gets annoyed with me for not letting him do enough. I'm just used to doing things myself, and I never really think about it. But, honestly nothing makes him happier than helping me with something, which is good since my "love language" is Acts of Service. His is Words of Affirmation, so I guess I'm taking care of that one now :)
1. He is just easy to be around. He thinks everything I do is great (duh!), thinks I look pretty when I look my worst (poor guy), and tells me constantly how lucky he is to have me in his life (double duh!). Seriously though, our personalities are VERY different, but somehow we just mesh really well. We are not googly eyed teenagers-we are very realistic about things, and we make it a point to work at our relationship. It's worth it though, he makes life pretty sweet and lots of fun :)
Bang Bang Shrimp, Rainbow Trout, Creme Brulee....it was great, and worth every calorie.
This is Tom and I before dinner:

I never really thought a lot about it, but we do kind of look like brother and sister. Ha!
Blond haired, light skinned, blue eyed babies in our future??
Ummmm...DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH!! (Check with me in about 200 years on that one). Seriously though, maybe I should check and make sure we aren't related :)
In an attempt to be sweet and all for Valentines Day (not that Tom has time to read my blog), but here are the top things I love about Thomas: (yes, I call him Thomas, though no one else in the world does)
5. He is very passionate about things-big and small. I'm much more of a go-with-the-flow kind of person. I have strong opinions about very few things, but he has very strong feelings about most everything. I think I teach him to chill out, and he teaches me how to believe in things.
4. He has never met a stranger-this is fun and exhausting at the same time. He seriously makes friends everywhere he goes-standing in line at the grocery, the drive thru at Starbucks, the customer service person on the phone...everywhere!
3. He cracks me up every day! He does an impersonation of me that is 100% not me (or so I like to think), but it's hilarious!! Also, he is head-over-heels crazy about my cat. I always told him that once he got in with Mr.Max, he was in with me! Those 2 are like peas in a pod!
2. He loves to take care of me, and gets annoyed with me for not letting him do enough. I'm just used to doing things myself, and I never really think about it. But, honestly nothing makes him happier than helping me with something, which is good since my "love language" is Acts of Service. His is Words of Affirmation, so I guess I'm taking care of that one now :)
1. He is just easy to be around. He thinks everything I do is great (duh!), thinks I look pretty when I look my worst (poor guy), and tells me constantly how lucky he is to have me in his life (double duh!). Seriously though, our personalities are VERY different, but somehow we just mesh really well. We are not googly eyed teenagers-we are very realistic about things, and we make it a point to work at our relationship. It's worth it though, he makes life pretty sweet and lots of fun :)
Happy Valentine's Day!!
This is an awesome post. Thanks for sharing and Happy Valentine's you to both!