I have had such a nice weekend-I am really, really sad to see it go (well, I'm always sad to see them go, but especially this one...). Tom's new semester starts this week, which means life is about to get a lot more hectic and crazy than it has been. It's been so nice the last month to have him around a lot more, but all good things must end. We've been trying to spend a lot of time together since we know what is coming...I'm really going to miss him being around so much. It'll totally be worth it in the long run though, and we've got this down, no problem-just adds a different, very busy dimension to life. SO proud of him!!
This weekend we actually watched 2 movies (which is a lot for me-not a huge movie's at home fan-I can never stay awake!) We also got some great runs in, and just hung out. We did make a stop at Red Mango for our favorite treat! This place is SO good, and actually healthy too! Of course you can make it less healthy with your toppings, but it's a good thing I love fruit so much!

That's Tom's on the left-he got strawberries, dark chocolate and graham cracker crumbs. Mine has strawberries, pineapple, and granola. I usually get mango instead of granola, but it just hasn't been ripe enough lately. LOVE this stuff!!
Today we had a great run at the gym, and I got to sport my sweaty band! My sister gave me this for Christmas, and this thing is a miracle worker! It has velvet ribbon on the back of it, and I'm telling you-This thing DOES NOT move! Even after an entire run-this thing is exactly where it started. I don't know how it does it, but it sure does. They also come in really cute patterns, which makes it that much better. Here is mine pre-run:

Saturday night I went to the annual Miss America party, and had a great time. I can't believe it, but I don't have a single picture from that! Just imagine about 15-20 girls, wearing p.j.'s, also wearing tiaras and sashes, watching the Miss America pageant, and competing for who makes the best guesses as far as who moves forward-FUN! I was so sad Miss Arkansas got 1st runner up. She was beautiful!
All in all, it was a great long weekend. Tomorrow it's back to the grind!