Saturday, January 15, 2011

Love Saturday!!

I love Saturday's! Even though most of my Saturday's are so busy with errands, chores, etc. that they fly by, it's so nice to think that the weekend is just beginning. This morning I headed out to do my normal Saturday things, like grocery shopping. As I was leaving Sam's, I had to laugh at what the back of my car looked like:
That would be carrots, cherry tomatoes, grapes, bananas, blueberries, and a 24 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper. Ha! That's story of my life-eating healthy and drinking "Liquid Satan", as I heard it referred to the other day. I may or may not have been drinking a Diet DP from Sonic as this picture was taken....God help me.

Then I headed to Old Navy to look for some new pants since I've basically been wearing some new jeans, or dresses with leggings everyday since none of my pants fit. I found some that fit (2 sizes smaller than I was wearing a few months ago! YIPPEE), so I grabbed them. They are "short" length, and still too long (which I realize is totally pathetic). Good thing I love to wear heels!

I stopped by Michael's quickly, and saw these:
That's animal print duct tape!! I am racking my brain for things I can use this stuff on-it's too cute!!

Tonight I'm heading to the annual Miss America party with a group of girls I've been friends with for years. This is always a fun night. We bring our favorite snack food, wear our favorite p.j.'s, there are score cards,'s the real deal! I can't believe this is the 6th annual party. When I think back to my life 6 years ago, it's hard for me to even recognize that person. Every single aspect of my life has changed I think. It's so cool to think we all met a job that long ago, and are still friends today. Pictures to come!
Happy Saturday!!
Align Center

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