Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."

Anyone who knows me well at all knows that I L.O.V.E. shoes. I know most girls like shoes, but I think my love is pretty serious. I have always loved shoes-I can remember being a little kid and getting a new pair of shoes. If it was a pair I really loved, I would sleep in them because I just could not stand to take them off. I don't exactly do that anymore, but the love is still there. That is hands down, my favorite thing to shop for. I design a pair of shoes in my head at least once a day-I'm always thinking that I could design the perfect shoes to go with whatever outfit someone has on. I just love shoes!!
I've had this magnet on my refrigerator for years, and it speaks the truth:
Today was just a normal Wednesday-nothing special whatsoever. But, it was cute boot day:

Shoes can make any day better! These are a few in my *love* file right now:

I realize that these are 2,000% inappropriate for an elementary teacher who stands up all day long, but that doesn't make me want them less!

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